A group of Transgender soldiers have filed lawsuits challenging US president Donald Trump’s ban on transgender people from serving in the US Military.
Trump issued an executive order hours after his inauguration restricting the military to only two genders; male and female, and that “these sexes are not changeable and are grounded in fundamental and incontrovertible reality,” resulting in the State Department freezing all passport applications requesting a sex-marker change.
This has resulted in a group of serving officers who identify as Transgender and Lesbians filing a lawsuit against the Trump Influenced Ban
Jennifer Levi, the senior director of transgender and queer rights at GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD Law) stated “This ban betrays fundamental American values of equal opportunity and judging people on their merit,”
“It slams the door on qualified patriots who meet every standard and want nothing more than to serve their country, simply to appease a political agenda. That’s not just un-American, it makes our country weaker by pushing away talented service members who put their lives on the line every day for our nation.”