Ex-ref David Coote has broken his silence and announced his sexuality as Gay and also his involvement in drug dealing which led to his dismissal from his job as a Premier League Referee
In an interview with the press on Monday, David claimed that he had gone many days without wanting to use cocain but still found himself needing to use them to relieve stress and relax
“I’m not telling an authentic story if i don’t say that I’m gay and that I’ve had real struggles dealing with hiding that
“‘I felt a deep sense of shame during my teenage years in particular. I didn’t come out to my parents until I was 21. I didn’t come out to my friends until I was 25”
“Drugs? It’s not something I was reliant on day by day, week by week, month by month. I’ve had long periods where I’ve not used it – but it was one of the escape routes I had. Just getting away from the stresses, the relentlessness of the job. It fills me with a huge sense of shame to say that I took that route”.
“I don’t recognize myself in the cocaine video. I can’t resonate with how I felt then, but that was me. I was struggling with the schedule and there was no opportunity to stop. And so I found myself in that position – escaping”