Law and Legality

Custom Generates $184 Million in Exports Over Two Months

The Nigeria Customs Service has reported that during the period of April to June 2024, the command processed 2,488 export containers valued at $184.8 million, including duty paid.

The command added that it had paid N1.2 billion into the Nigeria Export Supervision Scheme throughout the analysed period.

The Customs Area Comptroller in charge of the command, Mr Ajibola Odusanya, made this known in a statement issued on Sunday.

Odusanya said that NESS payments recorded a significant rise in 2024 when compared to N478.7m recorded within the same period of 2023.

According to him, in line with the fiscal policy directive of the Federal Government, N29.6m was generated as a surcharge on the export of previously imported goods and other machinery as approved by the Federal Ministry of Finance in 2024, while N535,000 was generated in 2023.

“As we all know, the year 2024 is facing numerous challenges, and Nigeria is not exempted. Important sectors of the economy were adversely affected due to the unstable exchange rate’s surge in trade activities, among others,” he said.

According to him, the command exports a wide range of items, including manufactured goods, agricultural products, and extractive and solid minerals.

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